Investor Relations / AIM Rule 26

Shareholder Structure

Significant Shareholders

As at June 30, 2024 there were 42,817,849 ordinary shares of Ukrproduct Group Ltd in issue, including 29,906,266 shares, or approximately 69.85%, held by the founding shareholders Oleksandr Slipchuk (14,939,133 shares/34.89%) and Sergey Evlanchik (14,967,133 shares/34.96%); 3,144,800 or approximately 7.34% treasury shares. Approximately 77.19% of the Company’s ordinary shares are not in public hands.

Details of any restrictions on the transfer of AIM Securities

There are currently no restrictions on the transfer of Ukrproduct Group Ltd. securities

Details of other exchanges

Ukrproduct Group`s shares are also traded on the Ukrainian Stock Exchange

Takeover Code

Ukrproduct Group is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers